An Interview with Georgette Lugalia

The One Acts Play Festival has been enchanting our community since its opening on Wednesday. Today we sat with a cast member from Hungry Bodies (one of the three plays) and talked about her experience.  Welcome, Georgette!

Nhi Cao: Hi Georgette, can you tell me about your character?

Georgette Lugalia: My character is someone who is sure of herself and in control of many aspects of her life. She is a lesbian, and now that she is dating someone who is bi, she feels out of control because the other person wants to get an IUD; she was afraid that her girlfriend might be breaking up with her.

NC: What is the most memorable moment during rehearsal so far?

GL: I think the warm-ups with Anthony, our director, are so fun. We’re such a close cast, and we’re so crazy which just makes everything fun when we’re together. The atmosphere is amazing. The warm-ups and the conversations that we have apart from working on the characters are great.

NC: Are the warm-ups the same for every rehearsal?

GL: Sometimes, but they vary though. We’d play games, sing, run around screaming,etc. depends on how Anthony’s feeling. Our warm-up usually lasts 15 minutes and after that we feel much comfortable and ready. Truly refreshing.

NC: What knowledge or skills have you acquired in Beginning Acting class that help you in acting for Hungry Bodies?

GL: During our class last semester, there was an exercise in which we embodied animals—canine, feline, insects, fish; that exercise taught me the power of physical characterization. I’m now more aware of my body in different ways. In this act I play a butch lesbian, while me being a pansexual girl is something totally different. Professor Kosmas and her approach helped me get into that feel and be comfortable with feeling more masculine.

NC: We can never get enough of theater, can’t we? Thank you for the insights and this conversation. I look forward to seeing more of you in upcoming productions!

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